(from 1987 to our days)

[...] above all, Balsamo's pictorial act is an act of intellectual projection,
a radiography of the essential moments of the history of art.[...] [...] And at least
in the case of Vincenzo Balsamo it expresses the concept that all this pictorial world based on
its own language, having its own figurative syntax and net-like architecture, and possessed of its
own dynamic variableness, ties in with tje light and draws its impulse from it - the creative
soul of the work of art.[...] [...]the work of Vincenzo Balsamo brings the the traces
of a universal historical memory back to life and delivers them to us[...]
[...]and an enriching force in the quest for painting as a "language".
Demosthenes Davvetas
(By: D. Davvetas, Vincenzo Balsamo, catalog of the exhibition to Decouvertes of Paris, 1994, ed G. Corbelli)

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Recurrent thought
(Pensiero ricorrente)

Free flight
(Volo libero)
Vivacious but not too
(Vivace ma non troppo)


Internal vitality
(Vitalità interiore)


Little man
(Piccolo uomo)

I attend
(Io attendo)
There will be once...
(Ci sarà una volta...)


Un caro ricordo

Una giornata di pioggia... a Parigi
(Al calar della sera)
First meets
(Primo incontro)

A summer day
(Un giorno d’ estate)
Composed thoughts
(Pensieri composti)

Mystical sky
(Cielo mistico)

Natural matters
(Materie naturali)
Vivacious composition
(Composizione vivace)

Melodious accords
(Accordi melodiosi)
Arcane architectures
(Architetture arcane)

Windings atmospheres
(Atmosfere avvolgenti)

In the heart, in the soul
(Nel cuore, nell’ anima)

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